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Vidago Palace

Genre: Historical drama

Episodes: 6


Running time: 50’


Seasons: 1


Year: 2017


Language: Galician, Portuguese


Coproduction: Spain - Portugal


Production companies: Portocabo / HOPI


Broadcast: TVG, RTP


Distribution: Banijay Rights


Direction: Henrique Oliveira


Executive production: Alfonso Blanco and Henrique



​Created by: Henrique Oliveira


Script: Henrique Oliveira, Pepe Coira, Manuel

Darriba and Araceli Gonda


Music: Xavi Font


Cast: Mikaela Lupu, David Seijo, Pedro Barroso, Anabela Teixeira, Margarida Marinho, Almeno Gonçalves, João Didelet, Marcantonio Del Carlo, Beatriz Barosa, Maria Henrique, Custódia Gallego, Sérgio Praia, Pedro Mendonça, Jacob Jan de Graaf, David Amor, David Novas, Sheyla Fariña, Antonio Mourelos, Eva Fernández, Cristina Homem de Mello, Xosé A. Touriñán, Susana Mendes.


Production management: Ana Míguez and Marta Lima

DOP: Pedro Azevedo, Manuel Pinto Barros


Art direction: Antonio Pereira


Costume design: Saturna


Makeup and hairdresser: Vicen Beti and Chicha Blanco


Sound: Luis Silveira​


Editing: Marco Carvalho and Jorge Coira


Postproduction coordination: Fernando Alfonsín


Fate would have it that the summer of 1936 was to be an unforgettable one in Vidago Palace. While the world was being stunned by the Olympic Games in Berlin, the President of the Portuguese Republic was inaugurating the golf course; a few kilometres away, in Galicia, the Civil War had just broken out; in the ballroom of Vidago Palace, preparations were underway for Cesar and Carlota’s wedding... but then Carlota met Pedro.

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